‘He must be the stupidest son-of-a-bitch alive. But he sure is fast!’
A História do Império Americano. Em resumo: uma autoestrada pra lugar algum.
We’re on a ride to nowhere
Come on inside
Takin’ that ride to nowhere
We’ll take that ride
Maybe you wonder where you are I don’t care
Here is where time is on our side
Take you there, take you there
Seis graus de separação fotográfico.
Create. Write. Punctuate. Put effectiveness at the centre of our motivation rather than a notion of correctness that is misguided anyway. The Renaissance knew this with its declared aim for speaking and writing: persuasion. Persuasive words meant knowing and adapting yourself to the listener, the occasion, the purpose, the medium(…)So. 2025 is your punctuation year, and I, one of the world’s foremost punctuation experts (okay, there aren’t many, so it’s an easy position to acquire) – I hereby give you permission to punctuate any which way you like if you believe it fits the bill of what you want to achieve. Don’t worry, be expressive.(…)Punctuation is a unique channel into watching humans relate to one another through text in all its glory from letter to underline, from italic to semicolon. It’s a way of seeing beyond surface, asking questions, keeping ourselves open to surprise. To changing our mind. Mostly that.
A questão não é o lugar onde você está, mas, sim, como lida com o seu tempo.
There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief.