


O biscoito da sorte sempre ilumina, pois é um espelho.


De volta. Espantosa a alegria dos que recebem os viajantes na rodoviária de Teresópolis. Quem no Rio iria lhe receber na rodoviária? E porquê? Quanto mais gente ao nosso redor, mais difícil mantermos laços emocionais com elas…




I’m not saying that you are solely responsible for everything that has ever happened to you. We have all been sabotaged or wounded by others at some point or another: endured a series of unfortunate events, been dumped, needlessly suffered, dealt a bad hand. But, in looking back on it, those were never the things that broke me. The thing that broke me was my own inaction in the face of those circumstances, my desire to lick my wounds, my lack of courage, and my refusal to get up off the ground and keep going. – Catherine Shannnon


The biggest regret of all.



11 anos das mortes de Philip Seymour Hoffman e Eduardo Coutinho. Dia de Iemanjá.

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